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Monthly Theme

The Ocean

oceanKeeping the ocean clean is so important to our environment, the way we live, and keeping animals and the Earth safe.

T ake care of the ocean.
H ave fun playing in the ocean.
E asy for us to get there!
O utstanding waves
C overs volcanoes, shells, and sand
E normous!
A nimals and plants live there
N ever dump garbage in the ocean.




Salt Water

oceanSalt water and fresh water animals are very different. Go to a library and research the different kinds of animals.

Then, in your own home, explore differences between salt water and fresh water. Did you know that objects float easier in salt water? To create a mini-laboratory in your home you will need two glasses, water, salt, and two eggs. First fill one glass with 1 cup of water (This is fresh water). Place an egg in the glass and see what happens. Next create salt water by adding one cup of water to your second glass and add ¼ cup of salt. Stir until all of the salt has dissolved. Wait about five minutes until the salt has settled and carefully add a little more fresh water. Place the egg in the saltwater glass and see how it floats. What is different? How do you think this may affect animals, plants, and other life form in the ocean?

You can also experiment with temperature. Does salt water freeze? Put a cup of salt water and fresh water in your freezer. Let it sit for a few hours and then check on it. Salt water takes longer to freeze than fresh water, because of its chemical structure. What else may make it more challenging for ocean water to freeze?