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Monthly Theme

Night Time

night Sometimes it seems like we spend more time in the dark in the winter than in the light! Here are some activities that can make the dark and nighttime routines a bit easier and much more fun for your family.



Bed Time Routines

Create a fun chart that can make going to bed fun and familiar every night. With any adult that helps you go to bed, make a list of all the things that you need to do at night, before you go to bed (like putting on your pajamas, brushing your teeth, and reading a favorite story). When you are done with the list, put them in order. Next think of all of the things that you sometimes need or want once you are in bed. For example, the things that you always have to get up for (or someone has to get for you) like a drink, an extra blanket, or a hug. Think about what you can do before you go to bed to help with those, like putting a spill-proof cup of water or blanket in a safe place, close to your bed, or giving someone an extra-big squeeze right before you settle in.

Add all of these things into your routine list; then write them down on a poster in order. Next, draw pictures or cut images out from a magazine that show what your steps mean. Or, if you are able, use a partner and digital camera to take pictures of you doing all of the bedtime routine steps and use these images for your poster. Finally hang this poster somewhere to serve as a reminder. This is also a great reference for babysitters, so they know just how it's done when everyone is home!