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teamworkTeamwork, or cooperation, is when you work with a group to get something done.  Often you use teamwork without even realizing it, like building a sand castle with your family or helping your parent at the grocery store. Teamwork is also important when participating in things like bands, group sports, or dramatic plays.  Click on some fun teamwork activities to do with your family or friends, and remember the more, the merrier.



Take a Team Walk

Even though you should always have a partner when you go for a walk, you can turn a daily walk into a team activity. See how far you can walk as a team.  After each walk keep track of how far you’ve traveled.  Fill in a fun chart like the one provided by Walk NH to graph the distance. 

Once you’ve walked the distance of the state, figure out how far it would be to get across the country.  See how long it takes your team to move from state to state.