What has happened when different national, ethnic, and cultural groups have met in New Hampshire?

In addition to the outcomes found in 6A, 4-6 students should be able to: identify and describe how national, ethnic, and cultural groups in New Hampshire have expressed and transmitted their beliefs and ways (such as through oral traditions, literature, songs, art  religion, community celebrations, mementos, food, and language).

1. Identify, list, and show examples of foods, household items, clothing, words, celebrations, songs and other items used in New Hampshire that originated in diverse cultures or nations. On a map of the world, locate and identify the places of origin of these.

2. Find and ask members of the state with diverse ancestries to speak to the class and demonstrate their cultural heritage. On a map of the world, find and identify the places of origin of these diverse ancestries.

3. Research how archaeology and Native American oral sources describe prehistoric Abenaki life in New Hampshire and how that life changed over time.

4. Using journals, letters, diaries, and photographs, research the different experiences of peoples who arrived in New Hampshire after 1865.

IntroductionQuestionsOverviewsPeopleLesson PlansAppendixesBoundariesNatural Environment and People  National, Ethnic, and Cultural GroupsPoliticsTechnologytGroups and OrganizationsMaterial Wants and NeedsSelf-expressionSummary List