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Monthly Theme


playSome people talk about play as if it were a relief from serious learning; but, for children, play is serious business.

It provides a way for them to express strong feelings about important events in their lives. Play gives children a chance to work out problems on their own, to cope with anxieties, and to prepare for life as an adult by pretending about being grown up.

Through play, children discover the world and learn more about themselves. -- Fred Rogers



Tune in to Programs That Explore Play

Curious George

george Curious George Flies a Kite/From Scratch (Show 1)
A gusty morning at the country house leads George to experiment with aerodynamics. /Gnocchi, the cat, is accused of scratching the booths in Chef Pisghetti's restaurant. Educational Objectives: To explore how wind makes things move. / To aid in the development of problem-solving and inquiry skills. Related Activity: Feel The Wind

It's a Big, Big World

Hide and Seek / Take Care of Yourself
Learn how animals use natural camouflage for protection and the importance of diet and exercise. (Show 121)
Curriculum Idea: Natural Camouflage - There are many ways in which animals use their appearance to blend in with their surroundings. Curriculum Idea: Health - It is important to take a care of our bodies and there are concrete things we can do to help ourselves stay healthy. Related Activity: Feel the beat!

Making Tracks / Map It Out
Bob tries to find the source of a big footprint. / Smooch and Winslow draw a map of the World Tree. (Show 120)
Curriculum Idea: Allergies - Some people are allergic to different things, including plants and animals, and may have physical reactions to those things. Something that provokes an allergic reaction in one person may not bother someone else. Curriculum Idea: Maps - Maps are representations of the real world and can help us find places, determine the distance between places, or select the best route to our destination. Related Activity: Map it!