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Monthly Theme


family There are many different kinds of families. Just look around your neighborhood or at your friend's families. This is the time of year when we celebrate mothers and fathers. Mother's Day is in May and Father's Day is in June. Whoever makes up your family, be sure to tell them you love and appreciate them (even brothers and sisters) and not just on their special days.



Create a Family Coat of Arms

from Reading Rainbow

It would be interesting to find out if your family has a coat of arms. There are books and websites that provide information on genealogy and heraldic symbols for you to discover. But in the meantime, why not have your family create their own coat of arms?

Plan together what it would be.

•  Choose a family animal. One that stands for all of you.

•  Choose a family symbol...a flower, a sword, a flag, a seashell?

•  Choose your family colors, at least two, maybe three.

•  Now incorporate your family animal, symbol, and colors into a design.

Cut a shield from posterboard. Work together to draw and color your family crest. Label the crest with your family name. Display it in a prominent place in your home, and be proud!