How has technology affected life in New Hampshire?

In addition to the outcomes found in 8A, 4-6 students should be able to:
define technology; give examples from their own experience and from New Hampshire of how technologies affect people and how people use technologies, now and have used them in the past.

1.Describe how technological development contributed to the growth or decline of an industry in New Hampshire (Examples: water-powered machinery and textile mills in Era 4. automobiles and tourism in Era 7).

2. Study an old New Hampshire tool or object and hypothesize what it was used for in an earlier era; research the answer and write a fictional story about a person who might have used that tool.

3. Choose a New Hampshire site and identify, using maps, illustrations, photographs, and documents, how land is used there. Identify and explain how people use technology on the site. Compare this with land use in the same area in the past.

4. Identify and describe technologies people use to earn their livings at different sites in New Hampshire; compare these with technologies people used in the same communities in at least one other historical era, noting especially the changes that have occurred.

5. Identify the technologies people in New Hampshire have used for fun in the past; compare these with technologies the students themselves use for fun.

6. Tour a site in New Hampshire where technology has been used to clean-up or control pollution; identify the source(s) of the pollution and determine if it comes from using technology.

7. Make a list of people, institutions, and events in New Hampshire history related to technology and place those within their correct historical eras.

8. Identify NH inventions. Who made them? Why? Illustrate an invention and tell how the invention was used.

IntroductionQuestionsOverviewsPeopleLesson PlansAppendixesBoundariesNatural Environment and People  National, Ethnic, and Cultural GroupsPoliticsTechnologytGroups and OrganizationsMaterial Wants and NeedsSelf-expressionSummary List