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Dusky-capped Flycatcher - Myiarchus tuberculifer



 Kingdom: Animalia
 Phylum: Chordata
 Class: Aves
 Order: Passeriformes 
 Family: Tyrannidae
 Genus:  Myiarchus
ICUN Redlist - World Status: Least ConcernLeast Concern



Myiarchus tuberculiferDusky-capped flycatchers are 5.7 inches in length. They have brownish-olive upperparts, a pale yellow belly, and a pale gray throat and breast. They have a long, thin black bill and a brown tail. Males and females look alike.


mapThe dusky-capped flycatcher is found from southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico south into South America. Birds in the northern parts this range may migrate south in the winter.



The dusky-capped flycatcher is found in oak-pine woodlands and thickets and river canyons.


Dusky-capped flycatchers primarily eat insects and some fruits and berries.

Life Cycle

The female dusky-capped flycatcher lays 4-5 eggs in a tree cavity. The chicks hatch in two weeks and fledge when they are two weeks old.


Dusky-capped flycatchers can be identified by their long, mournful and repeated "wheeeuu" call.

Audio Credit: xeno-canto.org Chris Parrish cc logo