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Cecropia Moth - Hyalophora cecropia 
The Cecropia moth is found across the eastern United States and Canada from Nova Scotia south to Florida and west to the Rocky Mountains.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cecropia Moth - Hyalophora cecropia 
The Cecropia moth is a large moth. It can have a wingspan as wide as six inches.
Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Eastern Buckmoth - Hemileuca maia 
The eastern buckmothmoth is found across the eastern United States from Maine west to Kansas and south to Florida and Eastern Texas.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eastern Buckmoth - Hemileuca maia 
The eastern buckmothmoth caterpillar is covered with venomous spines that can cause pain and swelling when they sting a human.
Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Imperial Moth - Eacles imperialis 
The eastern buckmothmoth is found across the eastern United States from Maine west to Nebraska and south to Florida and Texas.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Io Moth - Automeris io 
The Io moth is found across southern Canada south through Maine to Florida and Nebraska and Colorado south to Texas and Arizona and into Mexico and Costa Rica.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Io Moth - Automeris io 
The Io moth has large eyespots on its hindwings.
Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Io Moth - Automeris io 
The Io moth caterpillar is bright green with clusters of tiny spines that can deliver a painful sting.
Source: Jeffery Pippen, Duke University Intended Audience: General Reading Level: N/A
Luna Moth - Actias luna 
The luna moth is green and has a long tail.
Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Luna Moth - Actias luna 
Many people consider the luna moth to be the world's most beautiful moth.
Source: Jeffery Pippen, Duke University Intended Audience: General Reading Level: N/A
Luna Moth - Actias luna 
The luna moth is found across Canada from Nova Scotia west to Saskatchewan south to Florida, the Gulf coast, Texas, and North Dakota.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
New England Buckmoth - Hemileuca lucina 
The New England buckmoth is found in southern Maine, New Hampshire, southeastern Vermont, and Massachusetts.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Orange-tipped Oakworm Moth - Anisota senatoria 
The orange-tipped oakworm moth is found from southern Maine west to the Great Lakes and south to Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pine-devil Moth - Citheronia sepulcralis 
The pine-devil moth is found from southern Maine west to Ohio and south to Florida and Louisiana.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pine-devil Moth - Citheronia sepulcralis 
The pine-devil moth is a deep chocolate brown.
Source: Jeffery Pippen, Duke University Intended Audience: General Reading Level: N/A
Pink-striped Oakworm Moth - Anisota virginiensis 
The pink-striped oakworm moth is found from Nova Scotia west across the Great Lakes states to Manitoba, Canada and Minnesota and south to central Florida, the Gulf Coast, and east Texas.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Polyphemus Moth - Antheraea polyphemus 
The polyphemus moth is found across much of Canada and the United States.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Promethea Moth - Callosamia promethea 
The polyphemus moth is found across much of the eastern U.S. from southern Quebec, Canada, Maine and the Great Plains south to Florida and east Texas.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rosy Maple Moth - Dryocampa rubicunda 
The rosy maple moth is found from Nova Scotia west through Quebec to Ontario and Minnesota and south to Florida, the Gulf Coast, and east Texas.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rosy Maple Moth - Dryocampa rubicunda 
The rosy maple moth can vary in color from a combination of pink and yellow to pink and cream, to all pink, to no or very little pink at all.
Source: Jeffery Pippen, Duke University Intended Audience: General Reading Level: N/A
Spiny Oakworm Moth - Anisota stigma 
The spiny oakworm moth is found from Southeastern Canada and southern New England west to Minnesota, south to central Florida, the Gulf Coast, and central Texas.
Source: Butterflies and Moths of North America Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Spiny Oakworm Moth - Anisota stigma 
The spiny oakworm moth is only found in pine barrens and scrub habitats.
Source: New York Natural Heritage Program Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School