Fourth Annual Reading Rainbow Contest

The Polka-Dotted Shell

One sunny morning, Hermie the hermit crab was lying on the coast trying to get a tan. He never got one because the hot, burning sun never got through his big, thick shell. When claw, Jell and Stu walked by Hermie just hid in his shell with his eyes peeking out.

They always teased Hermie because he was so slow and small. One day, Hermie felt kind of squishy in his shell. He asked Hump and Snaily if they could fix it. Hump said,
"Your shell is getting small." 

"Really?" weeped Hermie.

"Yep," said Hump.

"I don't want a new shell!" cried Hermie.

"It's okay." said Snaily. "I got a new shell and it still doesn't fit me."
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