United States House of Representatives - District Two
Paul Hodes - Democrat

Hometown: Concord
Born: March 21, 1951 in New York, NY
Family: Spouse: Peggo, one son and one daughter
AB, Dartmouth College, 1972
Boston College Law School, 1978

1979-1982 Assistant Attorney General, NH
1982-1983 Special Prosecutor for the State of New Hampshire
Present Trial and entertainment attorney Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. in Concord
Hobbies/Interests: Founding member of the musical group, Peggosus . Also founded Big Round Records and Big Round Music.


Candidate's Web Site

Iraq : Immediately begin the process of turning Iraq over to the Iraqis; dismantle permanent military bases in Iraq; bring home the National Guard and Reserves redeploy troops to Afghanistan , Kurdistan and Kuwait.

National Security:
Supports passing legislation to institute all the reforms of the bi-partisan 9/11 Commission immediately. Strengthen and re-supply our National Guard and Reserves so that they can respond to the challenges of a changing world including natural disasters.

Personal Freedoms:
Reform the Patriot Act to protect individual freedoms; Investigate the White House and NSA domestic spying program. Supports Second Amendment rights of sportsmen and law-abiding gun owners. Supports a women's right to choose

Strengthen border patrol, enforce existing laws, work with Mexico to help solve illegal immigration. Thinks it is impractical to criminalize and seek to deport current illegal immigrants

Revise and fully fund No Child Left Behind or repeal it; encouraging young college graduates to become teachers through a program of student loan relief; target federal dollars for school infrastructure improvement; increase teacher pay; create a program of low-interest loans and bond issues that fund infrastructure improvements in schools.

Jobs/Economy : Raise the minimum wage; prioritizing math and science education in schools; investing in small businesses and mid-career education programs to help workers in the manufacturing sector whose job security is in doubt.

Energy/Environment : National focus of scientific and engineering research towards developing new and sustainable sources of energy; re-committing government to the attainable goal of clean air and clean water; address global warming.

Health Care : Universal access to health insurance and quality, portable and affordable health care; Medicare prescription drug reform; increased competition among providers and health plans; expansion of the state-administered Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIP), to make sure every child has the benefit of good health