Era 7: Themes From The Larger Picture: The Western World and America

A.  the causes and consequences of expansionism, the arms race, and World War I

B.  the use of science and technology to achieve varied ends for both nations and individuals

C.  the Populist, Progressive, and other responses to industrial capitalism, urbanization, and political corruption through World War I
D.  expansionism, intervention, and isolation in U.S. foreign policy from 1890 to 1930

E.   social, political, and economic changes in the United States before, during, and after World War I

Era 7: New Hampshire Themes

A.  the domination of political reform and government regulation as issues in New Hampshire politics early in the century [ Focus Questions IV, VI, VIII ]

B.  the use of government regulation to address New Hampshire social and economic issues during the Progressive Era [ Focus Questions II, III, IV, VI, VII ]

C.  New Hampshire's responses to World War I, abroad and on the home front [ Focus Questions III, IV, VIII ]

D.  the effects of technology and science on New Hampshire before the Great Depression [ Focus Questions III, V, VII, VIII ]

E.  difficulties and changes in the New Hampshire economy before, during, and after World War I [ Focus Questions II, III, IV, VII, VIII ]

F.   changes in roles of women in the first three decades of the twentieth century as a result of war, the modern capitalist economy, social reform, and suffrage [ Focus Questions IV, V, VI, VII, VIII ]

G.  the growth of leisure culture as a part of the New Hampshire culture and economy [ Focus Questions II. VII, VIII ]

H.  the effects of the spread of the telephone, electricity, and the automobile on New Hampshire life [ Focus Questions V, VII, VIII ]

IntroductionQuestionsOverviewsPeopleLesson PlansAppendixesEra 1Era 2Era 3Era 4Era 5Era 6Era 7Era 8Era 9Era 10