Many people believe that New Hampshire history is required in fourth grade. Actually, by law, the teaching of New Hampshire history and government is to begin in all public and private schools in the state by not later than the beginning of the eighth grade, continuing into high
school. The following paragraphs are direct quotations from the New Hampshire statutes:

Part Ed 308 Minimum Standards for Elementary Schools
Final Rules: April 8, 1987
Statutory Authority: RSA 186:5, 186:8, 189:25, 194:23-d

(n) Social Studies
The social studies program shall include the understanding of democratic beliefs; the study of geography, including lands and peoples (international studies); the development of the skills of decision making, data gathering, and critical thinking; opportunities to
practice citizenship in the school and community; as well as instruction in history and government as defined in RSA 189:11 - Social studies education shall develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for effective participation in the life of the community, the nation, and the world. 

New Hampshire Education Laws
189:1 I Instruction in National and State History and Government. 
In all public and private schools in the state there shall be given regular courses of instruction in the history, government and constitutions of the United States and New Hampshire, including the organization and operation of New Hampshire municipal, county and state government and of the federal government. Such instruction shall begin not later than the opening of the eighth grade and shall continue in high school as an identifiable component of a year's course in the history and government of the United States and New Hampshire.

IntroductionQuestionsOverviewsPeopleLesson PlansAppendixesAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix FAppendix G