The MacDowell Colony 

Contemporary Voices From MacDowell Colony
Edward MacDowell and Marian


  While these poets write in a different style and on a broad range of subjects, each of them touches on many of the central concerns and themes of contemporary poetry: the power of language to transform the world; the ways in which chance encounters can produce profound insights; the need of establish an authentic self in a culture that is alien to poetry; and the power of the spiritual life to transform the world. The works of these poets is humanistic in the deepest sense. In dealing with the substance and perplexities of their own every day lives, these poets can help to illuminate the lives of others. They offer New Hampshire readers a wealth of insights into both the making of fine poems and the riches of the examined life.

Philip Booth, Selves

Marle Howe, The Good Thief

Tom Sleigh, Waking

Mekeel McBride, Wind of the White Dresses

This reading list was developed through the Book Discussion Programs, a collaborative project of the New Hampshire Humanities Council and the New Hampshire State Library.

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