NH Framework Correlations

Econ and Me

Econ and MeECON AND ME revolves around four children and their invisible friend, Econ, who apply economic principles to individuals, families, and communities. Students learn about economics, social studies, communication, mathematics, and problem solving.

Social Studies

Economics and the Individual (SS:EC:1)
Students will learn about their role in a free market, how decisions that they make affect the economy, and how changes in the economy can affect them.

Grades K-2

SS:EC:2:1.1: Define goods and services, producers and consumers. (Themes: D: Material Wants and Needs)

SS:EC:2:1.2: Describe the steps and materials needed to make a product, e.g., milk or crayons. (Themes: D: Material Wants and Needs, G: Science, Technology, and Society)

Grades 3-4

SS:EC:4:1.1: Identify the factors of production and explain how businesses use these to produce goods and services. (Themes: D: Material Wants and Needs, G: Science, Technology, and Society)

SS:EC:4:1.2: Describe what markets are and define individual's roles as consumers and producers in a market economy using circular flow models. (Themes: D: Material Wants and Needs, G: Science, Technology, and Society)

SS:EC:4:1.3: Explain how decisions by consumers and producers affect and are affected by the economy. (Themes A: Conflict and Cooperation C: People, Places and Environment D: Material Wants and Needs)

Basic Economic Concepts (SS:EC:2)

Students will learn about the pillars of a free market economy and the market mechanism.

Grades K-2
SS:EC:2:2.1: Distinguish between needs and wants. (Themes: D: Material Wants and Needs)

Grades 3-4

SS:EC:4:2.1: Explain why needs and wants are unlimited while resources are limited. (Themes: C: People, Places and Environment, D: Material Wants and Needs)

SS:EC:4:2.2: Explain why scarcity requires individuals, households, businesses and governments to make economic choices and how economic choices always involve an opportunity cost. (Themes: A: Conflict and Cooperation, D: Material Wants and Needs)

SS:EC:4:2.3: Describe different ways individuals, households, businesses and governments make economic decisions, e.g., developing alternative choices or budgets. (Themes: A: Conflict and Cooperation, D: Material Wants and Needs, G: Science, Technology, and Society)

SS:EC:4:2.4: Define supply and demand and describe factors that can cause a change in supply and demand. (Themes: D: Material Wants and Needs, F: Global Transformation)

SS:EC:4:2.5: Explain how prices of goods and services are set in the United States and describe different factors that affect price. (Themes: D: Material Wants and Needs, F: Global Transformation)