Classroom Internet Library > Criteria for Site Selection

Classroom Internet Library

Criteria for Site Selection

Sites were selected for appropriateness for classroom use, breadth of content, quality of information, interactive components, ease of use, reliability, and alignment to N.H. curriculum standards using the CARE criteria for evaluating websites. Most sites are from government, university, or non-profit providers. Some commercial and personal sites are listed due to their high quality or the uniqueness of their content. If you have a site you would like to recommend for inclusion, or if you find a dead or misdirected link, send an email to The Knowldge Network.

Components of a Site Listing

Below is a sample site listing and an explanation of the components of a listing.

Framework CorrelationsFree to Dance star star star star
Learn about the role African American dances and choreographers have played in the development of modern dance as an American art form at this site from the PBS series Great Performances. The site includes historical and thematic essays, a dance timeline, and biographies.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: No

Sites with this logo are from PBS.

Free to Dance - Title of the Site

star star star star - Site Ranking
All sites listed have quality information and resources for the K-12 classroom. The one to five ranking indicates the depth and breadth of information provided, not the quality of the content itself.

Five Star Sites - These tend to be the best on the web in their content area. They have a depth of content and resources that other sites can't match. They frequently have an interactive multimedia component, special sections for teachers and students, and other special features that make them outstanding.

Four Star Sites - These sites have great information and resources, and while they may not have the same level of content that a five star site has, they frequently have some of the same features such as interactive components and special sections for teachers and students.

Three Star Sites - Three star sites typically don't have the same level of content as four and five star sites. They usually don't have interactive resources or special sections for students and teachers.

Two Star Sites - Two star sites are usually focused on a single topic or offer a single resource. They have no interactive components.

One Star Sites - These sites offer a single resource, like a lesson plan or activity or they provide information on a topic not covered by any other site on the Web. They have no interactive components.

Framework Correlations- Click on this icon to see how the site aligns to N.H. curriculum standards

Description of the Site - The site description will give an overview of the site with a special emphasis on educational content and applications.

Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: No

Intended Audience - This will indicate for whom the site was developed - teachers, parents, students, or a general audience.

Reading Level - This will indicate the readability level of the text on the site - Elementary, Middle, High School, Adult - this does not indicate the grade level the site is appropriate for. Many sites written at an elementary level can be used with older students and many sites written at a high school level have components that can be used at the lower grades.

Teacher Section - This indicates whether the site has a special section for teachers with lesson plans, activities, and other resources.

Searchable - This indicates whether the site lets you enter search terms to find resources.

CARE Criteria for Evaluating Websites

ontent - age appropriate, content appropriate, format appropriate, up-to-date information, uniqueness, readability, appropriate use of graphics, aligned to standards

Authority - who are the authors and what are their credentials, is there bias

Reliability - is the site dependable, will the site stay online for the foreseeable future

Ease of Use - navigation, searchablilty, speed, technologies used