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All species in this order are woody plants. They have simple leaves that alternate and they may be evergreen. The flowers usually are bisexual - they have male and female parts.

   Annonaceae - Custard Apple Family
butternutMost of the plants in this family grow in the tropics. Many of the species in this family produce edible fruits. Plants include the soursop, the pawpaw, the cherimoya, the alligator apple, the custard apple, the lancewood and the ylang-ylang.
    In the Pawpaw Patch
butternutThe common pawpaw grows in the eastern United States. It was once harvested for human use. The number of pawpaw trees has declined due to forest clearing and the fruit is now only eaten by animals like opossums, squirrels, raccoons and birds although efforts are underway to cultivate it as a crop. People describe the taste of pawpaw as a combination of banana mixed with mango, pineapple, melon and berries. Pawpaw is also another name for papaya, but the two fruits are entirely different.

   Magnoliaceae - Magnolia Family

butternutThe trees and shrubs in the magnolia family are usually found in tropical or warm temperate climates. They have glossy leaves and sweet smelling flowers.

butternutThe seeds of many species in this family hang by threads from the tree's cone-shaped fruits. In most species, the flowers have male and female organs. Plants include the tulip tree, the yellow poplar cucumber magnolia, the swamp magnolia, the umbrella magnolia, the Fraser magnolia and the southern magnolia.

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